Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Installation of Wave Hub creates world's largest test site for wave energy technology

On 6 September, the South West Regional Development Agency announced on its website the successful installation of Wave Hub off the coast of Cornwall, in South West England, creating the world's largest test site for wave energy technology.

Wave Hub is a major marine renewables infrastructure project that will create an electrical “socket” on the seabed through its connection to the shore via a 25-kilometre, 1300-ton sub-sea cable to hold it in place.

The South West RDA project has been in the works for seven years, this due partly to any number of delays. The deployment of Wave Hub on the seabed earlier this month was the fruit of a delicate operation of lowering the 12-ton hub into 55 metres of water, 16 kilometres offshore.

Wave Hub, which will have an initial maximum capacity of 20 MW, enough electricity to power approximately 7000 homes, has been designed with the future potential to scale up to 50MW. The first energy devices following this initial launch are expected to be deployed in 2011, after number of tests on how well they work and how much power they generate preceding their commercial production and deployment.

The main cable linking the hub to the national grid on-shore splits into four 300-metre cable “tails” to which groups of wave energy devices can be attached and monitored. As well, a new electricity sub-station at Hayle has been built.
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